A conversation with the Mystic

2 min readJul 8, 2021
Photo by Johannes Plenio on Unsplash

You travelled through the desert and crossed the high terrains,

Sailed through time and escaped this trap of the human mind

Oh master, from the depths of truth where you reside speak of the unspoken

Why don’t you talk, oh lord! how less you talk.

And the mystic smiled, so beautifully his soul replied

When there is chaos in the mind, resistance in the thought

and you can no longer live in the solitude of your being, you try to reside in this sound

For the vastness of the thought, how little is occupied by the word

Like you can fly high in the head but get caged by the tongue

Let the fear of being alone don’t become the reason for your talk

Let lies be not the force to move your lips

Because your truth cannot be revealed or spoken in the limited dimensions of literature

So my little shadow

The next time you meet that friend beside those silent lakes,

wholesome lawns or the roadside of human civilisation

Let go of the worldly knowledge, surrender to that truthful,

the untouched and unbiased spirit inside you and let it move and direct your vocal cords

Let your true voice speak to his witness behind the fake ears in silence and harmony

And that conversation will live for a thousand years

Untouched, unaltered through time and space.

Rachit Saxena

IEEE-PCS Chapter, VIT Vellore

